Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Awesome Dinnerjacket: Millions of Iranians ready for "martyrdom"

Sorry slick. No occupation this time. Unless of course by martyrdom you mean a torrential downpour of Tomahawks, JDAMS, Bunkerbusters, Daisycutters, and possibly a few tactical nukes mixed in, in a deluge that will make Shock, and Awe look like a backyard fireworks display. Yes my friend it will probably get that crazy.

And probably even crazier if Israel gets their before us.

Either way we all have a date with destiny. If the Israeli's act before we do, and they will, it puts us in it by default anyway. The Israeli's will look at a pre-emptive strike against Irans nuke facilities as a matter of survival. It's the classic, damned if you do, or damned if you dont', Catch 22 situation.

Dont' see Iran backing off the nuclear issue, or the threats, so in my opinion it's inevitable.

Unfortunately our friend Mahmoud, belongs to a messianic death cult that welcomes the end of all civilization, and I'm not even talking about Islam. I fear he may get his wish, with all of his posturing, and rhetoric. The problem for him is, it will, most likely be his civilization that ends, not ours. Hopefully.

This guy may very well be the next anti-Christ, or a damned good candidate, if you believe in such things.


Video 2

Dont' cross the streams!

No Halloween's complete without em'.

The coolest, funniest zombie flick ever made.......

..........and, Linea Quigley being naked for most of her time on screen aint' bad neither.

**content warning**

Your so cool Brewster !

I love this movie. Marcy, from Married With Children was actually kinda hot as a 35 year old teenager in this one........



Monday, October 29, 2007

Every Reason To Vote For Him

Lame hitpiece over at Gulfnews , ends up looking like a sweet endorsement of Giuliani.

"President George W. Bush's approval ratings may be in the doldrums and
he's only got just over another year to go, but before we order the
fireworks here's a thought. The next American president could
make this one look
like a boy scout.As the months pass, the next election
looks like a race
between Democrat Hillary Clinton and the former mayor of
New York Rudy Giuliani
for the Republicans. I'm no fan of the coolly
calculating Clinton but given the
alternative, she's the one I'll be rooting
for. "

"At the same time, I have serious doubts as to whether
American states are ready for a woman president and although the
American voters have shown they're fed up with Republicans they may reluctantly
settle for the usual middle-aged white man over a former First Lady, no matter
how bright and
formidable she may be.

See thats where your wrong Linda, America is plenty ready for a woman president, just not a cold calculating over ambitious, pandering, sycophant, socialist like Hillary, and over half of America agrees. The DNC will pay the price, by ramming this totally unelectable narcissist down everyones throats.

By the way who are you kidding, it wouldn't matter who the Republican was, your votin' for Hill.

"A clue to Giuliani's leanings emerged during the visit of Prince Al Walid Bin
Talal to Ground Zero in October 2001. Bearing a $10 million donation for
disaster relief, the Saudi prince suggested the US reexamine its Middle East
policies and adopt a balanced stance towards Palestinian aspirations. Giuliani's
response was to hand back the cheque."

Let me get this straight. Prince Walid effectively blames America, and it's victims, and Rudy supposed to skip on off to Citibank, and cash his check, um, o.k.

At any rate too bad all the MSM's democrat shills do not write their attacks like Linda here. It looks like GDS, is quickly replacing BDS, and the election's still a year away.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


The Pass


Game Time

Watching the G-men at the Phins first. Any NFC rivals demise is good for the Skins, so go Fish!

Skins vs. Patriots second. I'll just try, and be optimistic on this one. As long as we can keep it within twenty, then I'll say it's a close game. The Pats are beasts. The only nugget of hope here is we have Joe Gibbs, so maybe,......................just maybe.

I've started out with some Monte Alban, and plan on having a few Corona's, so BBL,............



For those interested here's the Redskins vs. Patriots matchup, and stats in real time from NFL Game Center.


The Redskins were outclassed as usual+we suck. Greg Williams is way overrated, and the game has past Gibbs by. Way to go guys!. You really stunk the joint up.

Schooled, fooled, and Ruled.


Iraqi Soldiers Give Charity To San Diego Fire Victims

A story your guaranteed not to see reported in the MSM. From the article by Richard S. Lowry at

"Unfortunately, most Americans do not consider Iraqis as people. We see them as
terrorists or victims, not as everyday people with the same values as our
friends, neighbors and relatives. Yet, most Iraqis are decent human beings with
the same concerns, dreams, and compassion as most Americans. They want peace and
are concerned about their fellow man.
Is it no wonder that we feel
differently about the people of Iraq, when the American media only reports
sensational news? If it doesn’t bleed or explode, you just aren’t going to see
it on the evening news.
I received a press release from Baghdad today,
which I know the mainstream media will not pass on to you all. Here is an
example of Iraqi charity and gratitude which touched my soul. Imagine how
incredibly generous these soldiers are. They have little to support
their own families. It’s not enough that they are fighting daily to bring peace
to their country. They are actually reaching out to help unfortunate

Who says the Iraqi people do not appreciate what we have done for them?

"In a speech given during the presentation, Col. Abbass stated that he and the
Iraqi soldiers were connected with the American people in many ways, and they
will not forget the help that the American government has given the Iraqi
people. Abbass was honored to participate by sending a simple fund of $1,000 to
the American people in San Diego, to lower the suffering felt by the tragedy."

These guys have had it rough the last few years,and no doubt have been witness to a lot of human tragedy, recieving very little pay. At the end of the day, they thought enough about the wildfire victims in San Diego, to send a token of gratitude.

To Col. Abbas, the officers, and enlisted soldiers of the Iraqi Army in Besmaya. We appreciate it, and thank you.

"Hill's House Of Horrors"

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney compared Mrs. Bill Clintons political plans to a Halloween spookhouse by giving his audience a verbal tour of each spooktacular room.

"You go in one room, she wants to raise your taxes. You go in another room
and she wants to have government taking over health
," Romney said to laughter and applause at a town
hall meeting
in southwest Florida. "You go in the next room and she's
weakened homeland security by voting against the authority of our government
listen in to al- Qaida's calls."

Me personally if i ran into this creature while in a spookhouse, I'm makin' my own door, outta there.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gone Fishin'

Be back later tonight, or Sunday.

Vader.....The missing years.

The Vader Sessions.

Snake Plissken, or Rudy Giuliani?

Both of them cleaned up NYC.

If Snake was on the ballot? Hell, who knows, I might pencil him in. I like his eyepatch, snakepants, and oneliners. He was one badass dude, just like Rudy. I mean anyone who has the mob cancel a hit on them, has to be badass.

Anyway, you guys weigh in, and watch this cool tribute to Snake Plisken below.

.......ummm, my bad, wrong Snake video, here's the one.

and just for shit's, and giggles, try this one.

Friday, October 26, 2007

One Rockin' Jew

JW subscribes to AGW

Rhino, John Warner finally gets aboard the Goracles AGW train. What took ya' so long John?
Virginia's answer to Alien Spectral , decides to bring the religion of ManBearPigs destruction of capitalism to the land of Nascar, 4x4's, and Bassboats.

Hey look John I realize you were at the mercy of your ever evolving NOVA constituency, and as well anyone elected should represent them, but you have been in this game too long to abandon every one of your conservative values.

Look John, I know you have been watching the California wildfires, and it hasn't rained here in like six months, and you probably thought any minute the Old Dominion could erupt into flames, but there are flood watches now, and it's rained for two days straight...........

.........but I think maybe you jumped the shark on this one.

Hard times after Star Wars

**content warning**


Larry Craig Interview Redux

**content warning**

Glad I never played quarters against these guys.


BDS gone wild over at Air America

Apparently Randi Rhodes last surviving brain cell was severely damaged by the onslaught of Ketel-Ones she had last week.

Thanks to Dummie Funnies via The Jawa Report:

"I started just doing Google searches to try and figure out. You know, arson, arson, it was like crazy trying to figure out why is that being downplayed? Why is that, you know, just a small part of the story? And you know, every time I look for it what comes up, believe it or not, is that Blackwater wants to move to San Diego and build this giant complex in San Diego right where most of the evacuations are taking place and you know. You just know wherever there is fire, this administration will be out there doing what it does best and that is fanning the flames, you know. It just spooks me, I can’t explain to you how creepy this whole thing is that you know, you’ve got these fires. Some of them are thought to be the work of arsonists and in the same breath you’ve got a community that’s on fire that just recently protested Blackwater West. Just recently said no to Blackwater and apparently you don’t do that. I mean, I don’t even know what to think. You know, nobody is saying Blackwater set the fires, that is nobody that doesn’t want their house burned down. Nobody is saying that, but it is all so bizarre that this is America and you have to sort of sit there and wonder … arson, same place Blackwater West wants to be, people protesting. And then you find out that some of the guys that used to work for Blackwater are now in Schwarzenegger’s administration. It’s all so creepy."

Please get help Randi. Not for the alcoholism, for your chronic case of moonbattery.


(W)hiskey (T)ango (F)oxtrot?

I guess this one hits close to home for some of us, as well it should. I drive over the Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter memorial bridge every morning, and afternoon, to, and fro from work.

A small memorial, on a non-descript interstate bridge, for a man, and 16 of his shipmates, who paid a hefty price serving for our freedoms, but a large reminder of concrete, and steel for Jon Clodfelter, a father who lost his beloved son.

A lot of people think of 9/11/2001 when they think of the war on terror, but let us also not forget 10/12/2000. This was another clear warning sign that Al-Qaida, intended to wage war on our soldiers, and citizens worldwide that went unheeded, and one of the first salvos fired against us by Islamofacists who look upon us as kafirs, and cannonfodder, hellbent to subject us all, to the sword of a worldwide caliphate.

The only retribution the loved ones of these brave sailors could have hoped for was justice. But seperated across thousands of miles of ocean, and sand, justice was in the hands of people who publically chastise terrorists, but behind closed doors pat them on the back. Once again justice has been perverted.

Don't forget the sacrifices of our brave, men, and women in uniform............

and don't you, and your friends, forget them either Jamar-al-Badawi.

Because I am confident that one day, by the hands of one of our brave children, you will reap the whirlwind.

We'll be watching you Jamar!

USS Cole Memorial


Kossack is so teh funnah!

Dhimmi jackass, over in Kossackstan says we dont' go to church anyway, so what the hell, let's all convert to Islam:

"While it appears from more than one point of view that the War in Iraq and the War on Terror are situations from which we may never be able to extricate ourselves, from the mountains of Pakistan comes a very simple solution: convert to Islam.
Before we reject this out of hand, lets seriously consider it for a moment: Osama Bin Laden promised the wars would be over if Americans convert to Islam.
This may sound like a lot to ask from the most religious country in the industrialized world. But of all the Christians in America today who profess to be religious, how many of us are seriously devout? "

I have a better idea. Why dont' you surrender monkeys convert to conservatism. The Islamofacists around the world are more scared of us, than you guys professing your outright love, for despots, and preaching the virtues of dhimmitude. Plus at the end of the day you'll get to keep your head, and your freedom.

"All in all, converting to Islam would be a small price to pay for an end to the killing and maiming of our sons and daughters, not to mention the billions of dollars we could put to better use than fighting this perpetual war.
So let’s do away with our religious pretences, adopt Islam as our new faith, add a few extra holidays to our calendar, and get down to the real business at hand: pumping oil."

Ahh yes, there goes DKos supportin' the troops again.

Converting to Islam? I seriously doubt the tenets of that faith line up, with the tenets of ultra-liberalism, and self gratification. They'll just kill you guys last.

Hat tip: Dr. Rusty Shackleford at the Jawa Report.


Nothing to see here folks...........

.............nope nothing at all. Note to self Syria. The next time you want to get a clandestine nuke site up, and running, how about making it, .....uh.....well,......clandestine.

Israeli intelligence as the Syrians must know are probably the worlds most elite. I guess the Syrians just stood around like the cat that ate the canary, whistling, with all that traffic going back, and forth between their country, and North Korea, and thought no one would notice, a reactor going up in the middle of nowhere. It probably wouldn't have been a bad idea guys to put it several hundred feet underground, or something.

Oh thats right, let us not forget it was an agricultural research facility. Yep, with so many people starving in North Korea, I forgot Kim Jong Il , and his ilk were on the cutting edge of agricultural research.

"It's a magic act — here today, gone tomorrow," a senior intelligence official said. "It doesn't lower suspicions; it raises them. This was not a long-term decommissioning of a building, which can take a year. It was speedy. It's incredible that they could have gone to that effort to make something go away."

Not so incredible for a group of thugs desperately wanting to make a corpse disappear.

Sammy the bull would be proud.



Hey I have no problem with Henrico spending $24,000 so a little girl can go out, and play with the rest of the kids. In my opinion it's money well spent for a child who through no fault of her own was born with a rare disease, that is exacerbated by exposure to UV light.

It's not as if this little girl is a special interest group, looking for preferential treatment based on ideaology, or religious belief. She's just a little girl who want's to play.

As far as I know most people in Henrico don't have a problem with it. For those that do, let's get Henrico to tell us how much it's costing us taxpayers, to educate the children of our illegal immigrant population for free, and how much it's costing us in Social Service benefits, for a population that pays little, or no taxes at all.

Illegals get access to our roads, our parks, our schools, our emergency services, etc.,etc.

They get to dance, and we pay the band.

This little girl is an American, and I for one am glad she's not that child looking out of the window with tears in her eyes watching the other kids play.

Money damn well spent.

WWBT write up here.


You Go Girls!

Mother, and Daughter join Va National Guard

"A South Boston mother and daughter have joined the Virginia Army NationalGuard together -- recruited by their brother and uncle.
Wanda Seate, 40, andher daughter, Ashley Elliott, 21, will leave for Army basic training at FortJackson, S.C., tomorrow.

Their recruiter was Staff Sgt. Jonathan Rhew,Wanda's brother and Ashley's uncle.
Last spring, Rhew was explaining toElliott how the Guard could help her realize her dream of going tocollege.

When Seate heard his pitch, "I told Jon, if I was young enough, I'd
go in right away," Seate recalled yesterday.

"You know, they just raised theage limit to 42," Rhew told his sister.

"Where's the paper?" Seate told him.

"I'm going."

And Elliott went, too.

"It's a privilege for me to be here to
serve my country," Seate said. "It's always something I've wanted to do."

My hat's off to you ladies!

Of course the T-D had to sprinkle just a little bit of morose on all this patriotism:

"More than 1,700 of Virginia Army Guard soldiers are serving in Iraq now,
and almost 500 are serving on peacekeeping duties in Kosovo. Guard soldiers can
anticipate being deployed at least once during a normal six-year enlistment,
officials say.

Six state Guard soldiers have died in combat in Iraq and

Elliot injected this bit of wisdom:

"There's more a chance of being shot at going down the road or leaving a club,"
said Elliott. "Nothing's going to happen to me that's not meant to happen."

Sad but true. Be safe girls, make us proud!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

T-D political editor Hickey in as Kaines new press secretary

But of course the MSM doesn't walk lockstep with the Democrats now do they?

From the T-D article:

"Gov. Timothy M. Kaine is hiring the political editor of The Times-Dispatch
as his new press secretary.
Gordon Hickey, 57, immediately replaces Kevin
Hall, who is quitting as Kaine's spokesman to handle media relations for Mark R.
Warner, the former governor and likely Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate
next year."

Hickey replaces Kevin Hall, former Kaine media director, and former member of that bastion of fairness, and unbiased news reporting the A.P. who's leaving Kaine to become Mark Warners director of media relations.

"The Democratic governor and his new press secretary go back to the mid-1990s,
when Kaine was elected to the Richmond City Council and Hickey covered municipal

Makes you wonder at times just how much politics get's edited, not to mention it doesn't hurt to have people on board who's cronies are still firmly entrenched in the MSM.

WAPO article here



Hello all. I have been a huge fan of blogging for a long while now, and not one to sit on the sidelines , I decided to give my own a try, and see what happens. If you find your way here, on purpose or by accident, welcome.

In a nutshell I am very interested in politics, world, national, local, and the war on terror. I am a conservative, but consider myself to be moderate. I welcome any comments or tips that will help me decorate the place, and any news, and information, around the Richmond tri-cities area.

I draw my major inspirations from blogs like News Busters, Michelle Malkin, Ace of Spades HQ, and my personal favorite Little Green Footballs.

I like Aces format, and would like to model mine on a mixture of politics, pop-culture, and humor.

The emphasis on this blog will be politics, but if any of you have any information about local events, people, and places, feel free to give me a heads up.

Above, all bare with me, and beware!
