Than I'll chance you aint' seen nothin' yet.
From AP via Breitbart:
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - Former President Clinton said Monday his wife can handle the criticism from her presidential rivals even though "those boys have been getting tough on her lately."
Clinton's comment comes amid debate as to whether the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign's complaints about her rivals' "piling on" suggest the criticism is directed at the lone woman in the presidential race or the Democratic front-runner. Last week, Bill Clinton. in defense of his wife against political critics, cited the "swift boat" television ads of the 2004 presidential campaign that questioned John Kerry's patriotism and the campaign commercials in 2002 that suggested Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia was soft on terrorism.
Several Democratic candidates said they were surprised by the analogy.
"It's a great time to be a Democrat," Bill Clinton told more than 800 students and supporters at Trident Technical College. "Even though those boys have been getting tough on her lately, she can handle it."
Ahh, that's sweet. Bill's ever the cheerleader, and apologist, even though the fact is she hasn't handled it very well, and is probably the worse for wear for it, but in fact the worse is surely yet to come.
The reason the nation can't enforce tough trade regulations with the Chinese is because they are now America's banker, Bill Clinton said.
"When was the last time you got tough on your banker?" he asked the crowd.
Insert foot in mouth here.
Hill's opponent's, and detractor's keep loading their gun's, and Bill keep's givin' em' ammo.
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