How about the Comical News Network ? After last night's predictably biased Republican You Tube fiasco, featuring once again a greenhouse full of activist liberal plant's, not to mention the November 15th Democrat debate featuring shameless Hillary shilling and audience planting and tampering on behalf of CNN, Blitzer, Malveaux, and Co. , CNN has now gone off into the realm of satire and farce.
No, I take that back. They are now a satire of a satire, a farce of a farce, a satirical farce, a farcical satire, a satirical satire-farcical farce.
They should just change their logo to this:
CNN is not, and has not for a very long while, been an objective or credible news agency, hey, we all know that. Lately however, the shilling for the Democrat's namely H.Clinton, has gotten to the point of shameless pandering and near prostitution. It is clear and evident that CNN clearly work's for and does the Democrat's wet work.
CNN is the DNC's bitch.
Michelle Malkin has excellent coverage of the whole despicable affair over at her place.
Over at PMSNBC , Morning Joe rip's rival CNN to shred's h/t NewsBusters
Yep, you know you've really come into your own when a fellow leftist news channel say's you've gone off the deep end.
Mary Katherine Ham at TownHall: "More plant's at CNN debate".
Gateway Pundit: "Gay activist was previous guest on CNN".
NewsBusters asks: " Should CNN be allowed to host anymore debates?"
I say hell no, they shouldn't even be allowed to do the news, but you know they have that whole freedom of speech and the press thing goin' for them' and all, but if your gonna' put on poorly written and acted theatre in the place of objective un-biased coverage, then maybe CNN should hire someone like patriotic American film director Brian Depalma , who can at least interject some realism into their facade. Their debates are starting to look like Ed Wood produced and directed them.
Yep, it's gotten that bad. I even thought I saw a flying saucer on a string fly over Ron Paul's head last night.
Plan 9 from Atlanta.
Ya' know when Hillary wrote that book "It Takes A Village" in 96', who knew here in 2007, she and CNN would agree obviously, that "It Takes A Botanist" to get a Democrat elected.

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