Saturday, November 24, 2007


No mention by Chavez of why a dissenting vote against his designs on dictatorship is even allowed on the ballot to begin with.


CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - President Hugo Chavez warned his supporters on Friday that anyone voting against his proposed constitutional changes would be a "traitor," rallying his political base before a referendum that would let him seek unlimited re-election in 2012 and beyond.
Brandishing a little red book listing his desired 69 revisions to Venezuela's charter, Chavez exhorted his backers to redouble their efforts toward a victorious "yes" vote in the Dec. 2 ballot.

"He who says he supports Chavez but votes 'no' is a traitor, a true traitor," the president told an arena packed with red-clad supporters. "He's against me, against the revolution and against the people."

His speech followed the recent high-profile defection of his former Defense Minister Gen. Raul Baduel, a longtime ally who called the president's proposed reforms a "coup." Others have also broken with the Chavista movement in recent months, including politicians of the small left-leaning party Podemos.

Chavez's opponents accuse him of concentrating power and seeking to be president-for-life like his close friend Fidel Castro of Cuba. Chavez insists he will only stay on as long as Venezuelans continue to vote for him.

"If you don't approve (the referendum), maybe we'll have time for a parachute jump in five years," Chavez, a former paratrooper, told the crowd. "But if you wish—if you approve the referendum—I will stay as long as God wills! Until the last bone of my skeleton dries out!"

The proposed revisions would do away with presidential term limits, extend terms from six to seven years, let Chavez appoint regional vice presidents and eliminate Central Bank authority, among other changes.

Critics warn he would also have the power to shut down Venezuelan newspapers, television and radio stations by declaring a state of emergency, and the government could detain citizens without charges during such a period.

Chavez insists the reforms are meant to deepen democracy and give Venezuelans more of a voice in government, especially through neighborhood-based "communal" councils.

He said he plans to increase funding for the councils to 5 percent of his government's 2008 budget, or $3.2 billion, that will go toward neighborhood projects from public housing to road paving.

The funny and ironic thing is, when George Bush say's to the world "either your with us or against us" the left consider's this an abomination against any form of dissent, and consider's this a Republican administration's foundation, and basis to apply the charge of treason as a manipulative punative factor against free speech and differing opinion.

Yet the hypocritical left loves to suckle from the teet of despot's such as Chavez every chance they get. In a totalitarian burst of narcisism and arrogance anyone who can claim he is personally beholden to the future, opinion and desires of an entire nation, and offer up nothing more than the paranoia of a cult of personality, is not only a sychophant, but also a madman.

No wonder people like Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Cindy Sheehan, Harry Belafonte, Kevin Spacey, Naomi Campbell and no doubt more than a few Democrat's love him. Chavez is a fine example of how you effectively shut down the other sides opinion and debate through force and they envy him for it.

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