H/T michelle Malkin
" GET UP SOLDIER!!! Do You Hear Me?!!! GET Back To The Fight!!! "

" DO YOU HEAR ME !!!!! "

Now how the hell this is not child abuse, wreckless endangerment, or at least contributing to the delinquency of a minor is beyond me, but these worthless sack's of shit posing as mother's , and father's should have their kid's yanked from them, and be thrown in jail for a longtime.
Lock these sick bastard's in a room somewhere and then throw away the room.
The sad part is in the land of MoonBattery they will probably win the Parent's of Year award, the whole lot of them.
I cringe to think of the shock and trauma these poor kid's must be going through, and what effect it will have
on them in the future.
Only the left would exploit their own children and put them in harm's way to satisfy their own agenda.
Oh No Wait A Second, These People Would Too!

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