Sunday, November 4, 2007

Moonbat proffesor gives extra credit for burning flag, or constitiution

I find it profoundly amusing that ant-establishment educators, and politicians profess to protect our freedom of speech, but turn off debate, at the drop of a hat, to silence any dissenting viewpoints from the other side.

Article at Bangor Daily News via The Drudge Report

"ORONO, Maine - A University of Maine student alleges her former professor offered extra credit to class members if they burned the American flag or the U.S. Constitution or were arrested defending free speech.

On the first day of class, associate professor Paul Grosswiler offered the credit to members of his History of Mass Communications class, according to sophomore Rebekah McDade. Disturbed by the comment, McDade dropped the class and intends to take the course again next semester with a different professor.

"I was offended," McDade said Friday. "I come from a family of military men and women, and the flag and Constitution are really important symbols to me because of my family background."

Mr. Grosswiler, and his ilk, like Ward Churchill,for instance forget. It isn't our liberal educators, or politicians from either party with all their vitriol, and hubris that protects the freedom of speech, it's the soldier with the rifle, and the voter at the polling booth that does.

The freedoms we all enjoy in this country include being able to burn our flag, and constitution, but there is something left to be said for good taste,class, and loyalty to country.

Burning the symbols of our patriotism, and pride in effigy proves nothing, solves nothing, and is nothing but a direct insult designed by people who otherwise cannot formulate a constructive argument to prove their point, because they dont' have one.

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