Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Calling the Dems out.

From write up at The Hill:

"Republicans keep Cheney impeachment bill alive
By Jonathan E. Kaplan | Posted: 11/6/07 4:35 p.m. [ET]
November 06, 2007
House Republicans on Tuesday prevented Democratic leaders from blocking a resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney.

The vote to table the privileged resolution, offered by Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinch, began as a largely party-line vote to kill the measure, but Republicans developed a strategy to force Democrats to debate the resolution by supporting Kucinich. GOP leaders felt as though it was in their interest to debate the measure because it would make Democrats look bad.

After more than an hour of waiting for the vote to close, the motion to table the resolution failed by a vote of 162-251 after Democratic leaders failed to convince a group of liberal caucus members to side with them.

Republican lawmakers and aides credited Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) for coming up with the idea."

LMAO! I bet they didn't see that one coming.

Have to say, what an idea it is too. Make the Democrats come out, and put their money where their mouths are. If the kookfringe of the Democrat party wants to keep fomenting politics based on cospiracy, let the whole of the party step up, and either denounce, or support it vocally. It's easy to sit back roll your eyes in disengenuos disgust, but inside nod in silent reguard to the likes of Kucinich,Starke, and Obey to name a few.

Squeek havoc, and let loose the moonbats of defeat , so everyone can see who really is in the drivers seat of the Democrat party.

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