Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Distant Early Warning Barking Moonbat Detection System...........

.......just went haywire over this one.

A young soldier was so traumatised by the prospect of his first Iraqi posting, he took an overdose which killed him.
Private Jason Chelsea couldn't come to terms with the thought that he might have to "shoot children" carrying suicide bombs.
He was so afraid, on the eve of the tour of duty with the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment he took a lethal quantity of paracetamol and iron tablets.

Sad. The guy really needed to talk to someone, get some counseling at the least. I just cant' help but to think however the Left in the U.K. will be all over this like Barrack Obama on a Marlboro.

The Daily Mail putting quotation marks around "shooting children" and leaving them off 'carrying suicide bomb's' reassures me of this.

So it shouldn't be long before they see, and hear this over there:

Private Jason Chelsea couldn't come to terms with the thought that he might have to "shoot children".

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