Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More MoonBattery From The Left Coast

Yet again San Francisco decides, undermining our sovereignty and providing a welcome cozy environment for law breaking invader's is more important than upholding the law our land.

The Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to issue municipal identification cards to city residents - regardless of whether they are in the country legally - and to double the amount of public money available to candidates running for supervisor.
Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who authored the ID card legislation, said the program is a smart public safety measure because it would make residents living on the social margins of San Francisco more likely to seek the help of police and could give them more access to banking services.
"People are afraid to report crimes," Ammiano said, referring to illegal immigrants who avoid local law enforcement authorities over fear of being arrested or deported by federal immigration officials.
The legislation would require companies holding city contracts to accept the municipal card as a legitimate form of identification - except in cases where other state and federal laws require other forms of proof of age, name and residence.
Under San Francisco's sanctuary ordinance, it is city policy that no municipal government personnel or resources be used to assist federal immigration officials in the arrest and deportation of illegal immigrants.

What a total crock of hot steaming wet sh$t this is. No not what they did, I mean San Fran itself. They keep aiding abetting law breakers, and thumbing their noses at the rest of us.

Check out the poll on the S.F Chronicle site:

Like the idea of municipal I.D. card's for S.F. resident's?

choice: yes- it will help 'immigrant's' get bank account's reducing robberies

choice: no- supes once again aiding illegal immigration

Woa! Hold on a sec. In the S.F. Chronicles puffpiece it said this was supposed to benefit all San Fransiscan's, and that the "immigrant" aspect was secondary. But going with the Chronicles poll it was the primary issue, not to mention with the overabundance of "jobs American's just wont' do", illegal immigrant's should be gainfuly employed and not have to rob anyone.

Once again San Fran is stuck on stupid.

Of course we knew this was coming, it alway's does.

"People are afraid to report crimes," Ammiano said, referring to illegal immigrants who avoid local law enforcement authorities over fear of being arrested or deported
by federal immigration officials.

Cry me a friggin' river. So law abiding-illegal-lawbreaker's are afraid to tell on , lawbreaking-illegal-lawbreaker's who prey on them, when neither should be here to begin with. Sound's like a problem for the authorities in their countries of origin to me.

How long before these municipal I.D. card's are used to allow illegals to vote in municipal election's?

We the American people voted Shamnesty out twice, but in San Fran it's been enacted and going full throttle. San Fran decided long ago to hustle away our sovereignty, while declaring their own.

In the realm of MoonBattery Sham Francisco is the bat cave.

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