Thursday, November 29, 2007

SHOCKER: Murtha say's surge is working

Renknowned Defeatocrat and Haditha Marine slandering slimeball (D) Rep. John (ABSCAM) Murtha finally came up for air and let his blowhole break the surface of the pork-barrel he lives in long enough to make this observation. h/t Drudge :

By Jerome L. Sherman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. John Murtha today said he saw signs of military progress during a brief trip to Iraq last week, but he warned that Iraqis need to play a larger role in providing their own security and the Bush administration still must develop an exit strategy.

"I think the 'surge' is working," the Democrat said in a videoconference from his Johnstown office, describing the president's decision to commit more than 20,000 additional combat troops this year. But the Iraqis "have got to take care of themselves."

Violence has dropped significantly in recent months, but Mr. Murtha said he was most encouraged by changes in the once-volatile Anbar province, where locals have started working closely with U.S. forces to isolate insurgents linked to Al Qaeda.

Wow, that's a far stretch from what he was sayin' in May of 06' . The undeniable fact is we are undeniably and resoundingly winning this war, and I know it pain's these trogdolytes to the core that even their beloved MSM is starting to fold and tell the truth, denying them the ability to snatch defeat from the jaw's of victory.

Who's next to come in from the cold?

Pelosi ?

Reid ?

Edwards ?

Obama ?

Hillary ?

Shumer ?

How about you Durbin ?

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