Monday, November 12, 2007

Surnow Blast's Hillary, Hollywood

Being in the closet these day's in Hollywood most likely mean's your a conservative.

From The Washington Times via Drudge:

Hollywood producer Joel Surnow dismissed as "nuts" the notion that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be elected president and said he and other conservatives in the entertainment industry are leaning toward supporting Republican Rudolph W. Giuliani's presidential campaign.
The executive producer of Fox's Emmy-winning counterterrorism thriller "24," interviewed after a Saturday speech to a conservative student group, also predicted that the current screenwriters' strike would be "hugely long" and settled to the disadvantage of the writers union.
"I'm not even sure that Hillary is a fait accompli [to win the Democratic Party nomination] as this point," Mr. Surnow told a group of reporters and bloggers in a wide-ranging interview during the Young America's Foundation's (YAF) West Coast Leadership Conference. "Are we nuts thinking Hillary Clinton could be president of this country? Honest to God, just stand back and think about it."
Saying that he was "probably going to get behind Rudy" for the White House, Mr. Surnow named comedian Dennis Miller as another entertainer who has "come out" as a conservative in the overwhelmingly liberal Hollywood environment and said that another popular comedian, Adam Sandler, "is going to come out and support Rudy Giuliani."

The influence of Hollywood and the entertainment industry was a topic of discussion from the beginning of the weekend conference, when Internet newshound Andrew Breitbart gave an impromptu talk on Thursday to a select group of top campus conservative activists.

There is "an underground society of Hollywood conservatives," said Mr. Breitbart, author of "Hollywood, Interrupted," and founder of the news site. He said students interested in entertainment careers should not be frightened away by the industry's reputation as a liberal bastion.

Although Hollywood's never been quite the bastion of conservatism, there was a time however when it was a pillar of patriotism, and anyone who was not on America's side in Hollywood were the ones in the closet. The Hollywood of old had many star's who rose to the occasion to defend America, and it's values, during war time, a lot of them put on the uniform, and served. Excess, and debauchery were guarded secret's, patriotism was worn like a badge of honor.

Those times have long since changed however, and the recent spate of post 9/11 anti-war movies clearly reflect's where Hollywood's heart is. A lot of celebrities these day's seem more prone to kiss the ring's of despot's, and dictator's, or snuggle up to the ant-establishment than to support our own president, and troop's in a time of war.

If Hollywood want's to gain the heart, and respect of the American people again, they can start putting out movies that support America, and it's soldiers, and stop being arrogant shill's for a particular party's line. I for one would much rather enjoy some good old fashioned patriotism along with my popcorn.

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