Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hillary Seriously PWNED !

Anyone who saw the last Democrat debate (debacle) would have witnessed Her Shrillness, very uncomfortable, attempting to squirm beneath the fusillade, of questions, and counterpoint, from the moderators, and fellow debaters, that totally exposed her as a doubletalking panderer.

These mean boys should feel ashamed of picking on such a poor defenseless, little girl,.............


Great video over at Riehl World View.

This woman is a shameless panderering, vote-prostitute, and buttkisser. She will put on whatever face she needs to, and say whatever, to appeal to whomever she has to.

Here are some more videos showcasing this disingenuous chameleon.

Here she is butchering our National anthem. I will bet she knows this anthem by heart.

Censorship. Staple of a true socialist.

She want to take those oil profits? Guess who else wants to take them, and did ?

4 to 8 yrs of this? My skin crawls at the thought.

She was for the war before she was against it, then she was for, then against it, then for it, yada, yada, yada........


Video 2 felonious election frauds

Sista Hillary, tellin' it on the mountain. For me this is the one video that says it all. Shame? This woman doesn't know the meaning.

Now before anyone even entertains the thought of me being a chauvanist, I would implore having a woman leading this nation as long as they were cast in the mold of a Margaret Thatcher, or a Golda Meir. Above all, skin color, and gender aside it is a job that requires the best person at the helm, and it aint' Hillary Clinton.

Heres the perfect Hillary campaign song:

Lab: Beat The Boys

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