Thursday, November 15, 2007

(S)ean (D)erangement (S)yndrome? *Update*

Remember this guy ?

I wrote about him a couple of day's ago

Well he's back and his Sean Hannity compulsion is getting sadder and more obsessive by the day.

A desperate cry for help?

Exposing Sean Hannity
by davefromqueens
Thu Nov 15, 2007 at 04:33:19 AM PST
Extremist hate monger Sean Hannity is perhaps the prime media spokesperson and advocate not only for George W Bush but for all the major Republican Party candidates running for President. He's even held fundraisers for Rudy Ghouliani. Hannity also has a circle of minions, most notably Ann Coulter, who simply project the views of the Insanitized with one degree of separation. Hannity's thugs behind the scene are Faux Noise's Roger Ailes and WABC's Phil The Bully Boyce.
Thus, what Hannity says (and doesn't say)should be intertwined with any Republican presidential candidate and exposed to the American people so hopefully, once and for all, the fringe 20-25% that Hannity symbolizes can get crushed in the general election and eventually be relegated to 4th party status. Remember that Ghouliani, Romney, and Thompson all showed up at his Scammity Concerts.
davefromqueens's diary :: ::
Here is a 2 min. history of the hateful man Hannity is.
Hannity openly supported a Nazi named Hal Turner in his New Jersey Senate Campaign, supported convicted cops who sodomized Abner Louima with a plunger, and is silent when Ann Coulter claims her only regret is that Timothy McVeigh didn't blow up the NY Times Building. Hannity is a longtime supporter of Bob Grant, who refers to blacks as "savages" and openly supported the CCC, a right wing nazi group. One should not be surprised since Sean's buddy Hal from North Bergen once said that "if it wasn't for the white man, blacks would be swinging from trees." Hannity also defended Bill Bennett's abort every black baby in America comment.
When Hannity talks about Osama Bin Laden or "Islamofascists," he is almost always describing himself with brilliant alacrity. Hannity, like the "suiciders" told his audience that preventing Nancy Pelosi from being the speaker of the house is "worth dying for."
Hannity is a mean nasty man or as Wide Stance Larry Craig would say, a naught nasty naughty boy. Hannity has suggested that Chelsea Clinton was conceived by rape. This is the same Hannity who is silent when Bill the Falafel O'Reilly claims that a 13 year old boy enjoyed being kidnapped and sexually abused or when Rush Limbaugh mocks the speech coordinating skills of a 12 year old.
When Ted Nugent advocated shooting Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Hannity defended Nugent and attacked Nugent's critics as hateful. When James Dobson compared stem cell research to the Holocaust, Sean Hannity concurred. When Pat Robertson blamed Americans for 9/11 Hannity was silent. When Coulter fantasized about blowing up people in New York subways or expressing her desire to repeal suffrage for women, Hannity just egged her along.
Why is Hannity silent when Bill O'Reilly wishes Al Qaeda would blow up a building in San Francisco? Why is Hannity silent when Rush Limbaugh callously calls our soldiers phonies or staff pukes? Why is Hannity aligning himself with radical Minutemen who seek to kill and deport anybody who is Hispanic regardless of where they were born? Why is Hannity silent when Malkin stalks children? Why does Hannity affirm Dobson's assertion that there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution? Why is Hannity silent when Coulter calls Edwards a "faggot" and says she wishes Edwards gets blown up by terrorists? Why is Hannity silent when Coulter says she wants to kill all world leaders who aren't Christians and she wants to put poison in the beverage of a Supreme Court justice?
Hannity also claims to "support the troops" but as I and others have exposed, his so called Freedom Concerts are a scam where more money gets spent on stamps than scholarships.
Hannity denies global warming and science, favors economic policies that are destroying the American middle class, believes in corporatized medicine, and wants to destroy our education system. On social issues, Hannity basically wants to repeal the entire Bill of Rights (save for his interpretation of the 2nd amendment) and turn America into Ahmadinejad's Iran but with a different bible and deity to hide behind.
When you have this history, you don't want questions coming from somebody with knowledge. If you are going to pretend that you believe in a fair and equal debate in a fair forum, you debate a 6 year old. And when you realize that the average 6 year old is too much of a match for you, you hire Alan Colmes and put clauses in his contract that basically say that he has to lick your ass and cave into you as part of the "format" of the show.
When you're the obvious, compulsive, and pathological liar that Sean Hannity is, you cut mikes, plant questions, splice and dice video and audio to create a new reality, and avoid people of knowledge. Randomly give me an hour's worth of tape of a typical Hannity broadcast and I'd probably find you at least a 100 lies, smears, and/or distortions.
There was two occasions in the past where I had asked a question of Sean Hannity. The first time he stumbled so poorly and I called out every lie on the spot that the best he could claim was "Oh just go get your own talk show." The second time I asked him if he would denounce Coulter's comments about blaming Jews for the Holocaust and wishing that McVeigh blew up the NY Times building. Hannity then bashed Soros to which I replied, "yes or no I didn't ask you about George Soros and I'm not Alan Colmes." Hannity signaled to have my mike cut.
This history between Sean and I is why Hannity was afraid of having a question asked by me. (Levin's book signing was on a separate floor and separate part of the store.)
Based on the list provided, there are dozens of questions I could ask of him which he can't answer. Hannity KNOWS that someone like me (I'm not the only one) would utterly destroy him in a fair and open debate. That is why Boyce tried to have me arrested last Saturday night. But it backfired for Hannity will now be forever known as the wimp and coward who tried to have a person arrested not for a question asked but for a question he thought was going to be asked. It's hard not to stop laughing.

Your right dave, it is hard to stop you.

I would saw off my left arm to see Hannity dismantle this tin-foil hat wearin' manic depressive freak on live television while daves full birth name was emblazoned on the bottom of the screen right next to ' from Daily Kos'. That would be high comedy in the spirit of Dumb and Dumber with dave playing both dumba$$es instead of one.

His main beef with Hannity is he claim's Sean likes to throw around vitriolic generalization's, and spew hate speech against the left, while he himself of guessed it, throw's around vitriolic generalization's, and spew's hate speech against the right. Of course no mention of the many pundit's on the left like The Olbernutt, Bill Maher, or Chris Matthew's, the nutbags at Air America or 'Faux Noises' own Geraldo Rivera who do the same thing against conservatives.

Pot-kettle-black dave, pot-kettle-black . The infinite hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me.

Hannity's right though dave, maybe you should just go get your own talkshow,...........oh that's right you cant' because theres allready a bumper crop of crazy-stoopid socialist's on the airwaves, with nothing original to say. No Soup For You!

Plus he know's everything Hannity say's is true and the double edged sword of that epiphany up his a$$, causes him much pain.

Of course to know so much about Sean and 'Faux News' one would have to be obsessively dedicated to watching Sean and 'Faux News'.

Why does he choose to harrass Sean Hannity exclusively, why not Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, or any one of the many female conservative pundit's who are doing the same thing he claim's Sean's doing.

Why is it just sean Hannity? Hmmmm.

Is it Sean's All-American good looks, his gleaming smile ?

Mancrush anyone?

The sad simple truth is, davefromqueen's is just bonafide barking moonbat-shit crazy.

I think if I were Hannity I may want to explore getting a restraining order, and beefing up security a little more. This guy seem's he just waiting for someone to catch a cold from, so he can get paid and get out of mom's basement. A lot of celebrities have a stalker out there, and it seem's Sean Hannity has found his 'Travis Bickle'.

Yes he seem's that friggin' crazy.

Note to self davefromqueens, step out of stalker mode for a minute and consider the old fashioned approach concerning courtship. The one your courting is more apt to respond to charm than you throwing sissy fit's and toddler like temper tantrum's trying to get attention. Next time you show up at a Hannity event, try handing him a dozen roses and a box of chocolates. I'll be willing to bet the baby's milk money it wont' work, but hell you never know these day's.

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